Weybridge Rowing Club 1880s-1980s by Nigel Burton was published in November 2011 after more than 10 years of painstaking research.
The book tells the story of the Club's first 100 years or so, starting with its foundation in 1881. It contains an unexpected amount of detail about the early years, thanks to extensive coverage of the Club's affairs in the local newspapers. It then traces a story of fluctuating fortunes, through tragedy and hardship, but also a fair amount of rowing success. The points of interest include two World Wars, the Golden Age of the 1920s, the Olympic Games, the Great Depression, and various periods when the Club punched well above its weight on the regatta circuit with the personal reminiscences of Vince Boveington (stroke of the Olympic four), Cyril Spreadbury (late 1930s), and George Kenyon (Second World War).
It is a hardback edition, with dust jacket, containing 194 pages and 60 photographs – You can order your copy direct from the author (Nigel Burton) for £17 (£6 P&P if applicable) by emailing the following email address:

You can read about the Weybridge crew who represented Great Britain in the 1924 Paris Olympics here