With Holly and Wendy reporting...
No WEY they did it, did they? Yes, WEY! The J15 boys showed us all the WEY To Do It... and then some!
Rising to the occasion to raise funds for Alzheimer’s Research UK, our J15 boys took on the challenge to each row 48km over 24 hours, with the boys themselves inspired to get things going and their support team (their parents!) at the ready.
Funds raised exceeded expectations, even before the action got underway, with supportive words coming in from Susan Waugh of Alzheimer’s Research UK - and ringing in the ears to spur on everyone:
“We are delighted to hear they are fundraising for us, that’s such a kind and generous thing to do.”
The action kicked off on Thursday July 23rd, in the afternoon, with set-up at two garden locations and the first 2km to be rowed at 8pm. Hour after hour, the boys knocked out 2km at a time, each a little tougher and each came with new learnings... like you can watch movies and erg at the same time; just turn on the subtitles and put on the sunglasses at 3am - all perfectly acceptable! As the hours wore on, determination and character saw them through - that, along with cold water and hot coffee. The food rolled in (remember, that support team!) and so did the supporters to nourish and sustain these young men - it's way better having mates around to keep you going!
With about 4 hours and 8km to go, someone - shall he remain nameless? - decided it would be a good idea if each athlete completed an additional 2km for the ‘bragging rights’ and to make it a nice round 400km rowed by the group over those 24 hours. It took only a bit of encouragement in the form of steak, but they topped out at the 400km - a mere trek from Weybridge to Blackpool!
The sun set on Friday with some very tired and mostly happy young men that WEY are all truly proud of. To date, they have achieved an also truly remarkable amount of £2750 from 117 donors - thank you!
Indeed, it’s not too late to show your support: if you have not had the chance to yet, you can donate TODAY (Friday, July 31st) and until this evening, when this page shall close: gf.me/u/yg2ski
Related read: WEY Know Alzheimer's Is Cruel...