No doubt many of you will have seen the updated advice of May 13th from British Rowing. This, together with the latest advice from the Government, our regional rowing council, Thames RRC, and the Environment Agency (EA, our waterways authority), we are pleased to announce we are able to open, partially and, hopefully, in a phased manner.
Please take a moment to read on about how we are opening our boathouse bay doors and demonstrate how club members can use rowing as a means of exercise.
Getting to the Club
Before leaving check the weather conditions and tide if applicable. If in doubt, stay at home.
Let someone know you are going for an outing, the nature of your outing and when you expect to return. WhatsApp / Text / Tweet / Instagram but also very much so
All athletes should arrive at the Club using personal transportation. It is not advisable to use public transport.
Athletes should arrive at the club in the clothing they will use while rowing. Changing rooms will not be available.
Arrival at the Club
Avoid attending the Club when more than one other member is booked in:
Only access parts of the Club which you have to in order to get your equipment out.
Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use the hand sanitiser available. Do not move or touch any objects in the club until this is done. Carry your own hand sanitiser if possible.
Do a personal risk assessment. Are the weather conditions and water conditions as you expected? If in doubt do not go out.
If any equipment in the Club needs to be moved, make sure social distancing is observed.
Getting Boats Out
Consider washing your boat and blades before using them. You do not know who might have been in contact with them.
Follow the usual pre-boating sign in and out process:
If you need help getting your boat out, maintain social distancing.
Maintain social distancing if you are having to wait to get your boat onto a pontoon. [all-member email update, 15-May-20]
On the Water
Always carry a mobile phone, in a waterproof case attached to the boat or yourself.
Whenever possible, row with someone else, using the ‘buddy’ system: - the same as If you get into difficulties, there is someone to give immediate assistance.
Keep a good look-out. Most incidents in rowing are caused by failing to do this.
Included in your safety checks, you will want to check for any updated notices from the EA, such as this one about a sunken vessel in the main channel above the lock cut for Sunbury Lock. To avoid this area, do not navigate below the EA barges.
Returning from Your Outing
Wash your boat and blades before putting them away.
Show you have returned safely, in the usual way:
Once all equipment has been stored wash your hands for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitiser.
Avoid using changing facilities.
Take all your belongings away with you.