Weybridge Rowing Club is committed to keeping members safe on the water and when engaged in rowing or training activities by following British Rowing's RowSafe code. We endeavour to meet this commitment by having a clearly communicated policy that is understood by members, coaches and leaders in the Club. To facilitate this all members will be assessed for competence in rowing safety knowledge and will not use club equipment unsupervised until they have been satisfactorily assessed (member login)​.
On January 10th 2022, after a year's trial, the Committee approved these revised Risk Assessment (RA) Guidelines for Boating.
Restrictions on boating apply to everyone boating from the Club. Used to indicate the state of the river, there are coloured boards situated on the door of the ladies changing room.
Click/tap the images (above) that depict the different rowing state boards and what key indicators are used to determine the board displayed at the Club.
The timeliness in changing these boards is good. Still, all Risk Assessors (RAs) – those who hold a 'CoW' – are expected to make a Risk Assessment (RA) for their crew(s).
When making a risk assessment, there are various tools available when considering stream, river level, wind speeds and direction, but also visibility and the weir-pool at Shepperton Lock.

Link to Club Safety Code

Link to Risk Assessment Guidelines for Boating

Link to our Risk Assessment for Coaching Launches

Link to Club Safety Code
Hi-vis tops must be worn by all bow-steers / single scullers as the outermost layer of clothing at all times when afloat, during daylight hours – including when visiting other club's waters.​
Lifejackets: All coxswains must wear a lifejacket and located in the boathouse, hanging from hooks on the wall of the leftmost bay as you enter. Special rower’s lifejackets are also available for use by those who are nervous about capsizing or when a coach determines it is necessary based on a risk assessment of the conditions and the experience of the crew.
Coaching launch: Anyone using a launch is to wear a lifejacket and carry a mobile phone. A launch safety kit must be carried in the boat whenever in use and includes a laminated list of emergency telephone numbers. The engine 'kill-cord' must be attached to the launch driver.
The Club Captain maintains a list of members qualified to drive the club’s launches; all of whom are expected to have read and understood the risk assessment guidelines specific to using our coaching launches.
Throwlines: The throwlines are kept in the boathouse, hanging from hooks on the wall of the leftmost bay as you enter. Anyone coaching or providing safety cover from the bank should equip themselves with a throw line. There is an additional throw line in the Launch Safety Kit for use in the launch.

"Rowing or sculling after nightfall is dangerous and should not be encouraged. When it is necessary, a coach should accompany crews and scullers on the bank or in an accompanying launch. All craft must be properly illuminated."
--RowSafe code
seek the Club Captain's permission under any conditions prior to any such outing;
display a white light front and rear on rowing vessels and an all-round white light on coaching launches;
be accompanied: one crew boat to one coaching launch – no exceptions;
as bowsteer or a single sculler, wear a pure white top (not hi-vis) as the outermost layer of clothing at all times when afloat. [Source: March 2020 HRSA Monthly Report]
allow inexperienced crews out at night;
allow small boats;
boat more than 30 minutes before predicated sunrise on any given day;
use red navigation lights.

If in any doubt about the wisdom of boating, don't.